Sortation Training carries clear Benefits

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  3. Sortation Training carries clear Benefits
Training, offered by GBI, covers various aspects of GBI’s sortation systems, including applications, operations, and benefits of integrating sortation systems.

The training is available to those who are in charge of maintaining equipment on a daily basis as well as systems integrators looking to advance their knowledge.

Check out these quotes by ScottTech Integrated Solutions referencing a three-day training we held at our headquarters.

“I was familiar with both the cross-belt and tilt tray sortation systems but had no idea the extent of how drastically they could improve operations and how quickly companies could see a return on their investment.”

– Tom Bensley, Systems Sales Engineer at ScottTech.

“This sortation system is perfect for customers who may have a combination of both small and medium sized products, like jewelry, apparel and books.”

– Andrew Hennes of ScottTech in reference to GBI’s Mid Capacity Tilt Tray Sorter.

“Being able to capture so much useful information on these sortation systems in just three days was crucial for our representatives and has now given us the tools needed to educate others on how these systems can play an ideal role in managing operations.
In both the cross-belt and tilt sorting systems, customers can expect a very quick ROI resulting from cut labor costs and increased accuracy when utilized to automate Order Fulfillment, Returns Processing, Loose Receipts, Parcel Sorting and Kitting.”

If you’d like to advance your knowledge of sortation, contact GBI today to set up an onsite training session for your business.
