The Right Tool for the Job.
Delivering a turnkey system requires additional components which must be carefully selected and integrated into the final solution.
Delivering a turnkey system requires additional components which must be carefully selected and integrated into the final solution.
GBI recognizes that no two installations are alike, and that each customer has specific requirements for their product accumulation. GBI will custom-build chute arrangements to meet these requirements. Status displays at the chutes are used to inform personnel around the sorter about the status for each drop.
This is a method of communicating pertinent ongoing sort information to the sorter personnel responsible for collecting the sorted product. The purpose of these terminals is to inform personnel around the sorter of the status for each drop corresponding to its section. Additional information is posted to each screen alerting personnel to conditions at other sections and the sorter overall.
Drop status displays are individual modules that display the remaining count before reaching a limit (chute full). These displays may be accompanied with lights indicating a “low count” and a “limit reached.” This may be based on count, order or cube.
Beacons may be installed at each chute to indicate when a chute is approaching full capacity with one color and again when a full capacity is reached with a second color. These beacons are raised and depending on the requirement may be seen from all angles and at varying distances around the sorter.